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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Haplotype-resolved assembly of a tetraploid potato genome using long reads and low-depth offspring data

Fig. 2

Initial assembly. a Distribution of node lengths of the initial assembly graph. Red represents the count of each binned contig length (the peak is 25–40 kb). Blue represents the aggregate length of a contig bin, measured in bases. The two visible peaks show that the total sequence of contigs between 25 and 40 kb is on par with the sequence taken up by those between 4.0 and 6.5 Mb. b Dosage distribution of contigs, excluding those with a unique sequence < 100 kb. The proportion of sequence that is covered by contigs at least 100 kb in length is 80%. The dosage peaks are marked by black bars (approximate coverage values of 23, 46, and 69). The peak for dosage 4 would be ~92. c Length distribution of contigs with unique k-mers compared to contigs without unique k-mers

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