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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: ChIPr: accurate prediction of cohesin-mediated 3D genome organization from 2D chromatin features

Fig. 3

Predicted interactions correlate well with the original ones at the 25 kbp bin resolution. A, B Comparison between the correlation coefficient values between the original interactions and the predicted ones using the three variants of ChIPr vs. those between the original and randomly generated ones for the three cell lines K562, H1, and HepG2. The correlation coefficients were calculated using stratum-adjusted correlation coefficients (A) and Pearson correlation coefficients (B), respectively. The predictions in A and B were generated using the models trained on GM12878 data. C, D Comparison between the correlation coefficient values between the original interactions and the predicted ones using the three variants of ChIPr vs. those between the original and randomly generated ones for the three cell lines GM12878, H1, and HepG2. The correlation coefficients were calculated using stratum-adjusted correlation coefficients (C) and Pearson correlation coefficients (D), respectively. The predictions in C and D were generated using the models trained on K562 data

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