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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: ChIPr: accurate prediction of cohesin-mediated 3D genome organization from 2D chromatin features

Fig. 2

Predicted interactions correlate well with the original ones at the peak-level-resolution. A Predicted interactions using the three variants of ChIPr for the cell lines K562, H1, and HepG2 correlate significantly better than the random interactions with the original ChIA-PET interactions of these three cell lines. The predictions in A are obtained using models trained on the GM12878 cell line data. B Predicted interactions using the three variants of ChIPr for the cell lines GM12878, H1, and HepG2 correlate significantly better than the random interactions with the original ChIA-PET interactions of these three cell lines. The predictions in B are obtained using the models trained on the K562 cell line data. ****: p-value < 0.0001, Wilcoxon rank sum test

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