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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Genetic effects of sequence-conserved enhancer-like elements on human complex traits

Fig. 5

Prioritize HC ELEs for BMI. a Enrichments of heritability (S-LDSC) and genetic associations (RSS-NET) for all omnibus ELEs (NC) and the subset with a high level of sequence conservation (HC). b Percentages of HC omnibus ELEs with \(P_1^\text {H}\) (enrichment model for HC ELEs), \(P_1^\text {N}\) (enrichment model for NC ELEs), or \(P_1^\text {B}\) (baseline model without any enrichment) above a given threshold. c BMI associations of 210 HC ELEs that contain instances of the enriched motif CAGTGTCR. d BMI associations of 154 HC ELEs that contain instances of the enriched motif TAATTACACCCA. For c-d, each point denotes a HC omnibus ELE present in neural samples, with y-axis and x-axis indicating its \(P_1^\text {H}\) and \(P_1^\text {N}\) respectively. FC, fold change. e Overlap of the putative target genes (507 for CAGTGTCR-instance and 309 for TAATTACACCCA-instance HC ELE, respectively) with genes implicated in knockout mouse phenotypes and human Mendelian traits. behav, behavioral. metab, metabolic

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