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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: ENGEP: advancing spatial transcriptomics with accurate unmeasured gene expression prediction

Fig. 5

Prediction of expression levels of unmeasured genes for osmFISH. a The predicted expression patterns (top) of six spatially unmeasured genes and the corresponding ISH images (bottom). b Known patterns in osmFISH. Known patterns, averaged by measured genes, are shown in the first row. Expression levels averaged by unmeasured genes with similar profiles are presented in the second row. The number of genes within each pattern is listed. Representative unmeasured genes for each pattern and their corresponding ISH images are displayed in the third row. Each pattern co-localizes with distinct cell types (bottom). c Multimodality structure of unmeasured genes’ likelihood scores. The unmeasured genes are divided into three groups using dashed lines at s ± 0.05, where s (blue point) denotes the likelihood score at the low peak between two high peaks. d Discovery of novel patterns in osmFISH. Two novel expression patterns detected in osmFISH are shown in the first row, along with the number of genes constituting each pattern. The second row presents representative genes and their corresponding ISH images. These novel patterns exhibit co-localization with different cell types (bottom). e Functional enrichment analysis. The top six biological process-related enrichment results for the two novel patterns are presented

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