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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Compact CRISPR genetic screens enabled by improved guide RNA library cloning

Fig. 2

New optimizations in the cloning protocol improve genome-wide guide libraries. A Histograms of the CRISPRi V2 legacy library (blue) compared to the optimized CRISPRi V2 LGR library (orange) show that the LGR library has a tighter distribution of sgRNAs. B Similarly, the CRISPRa V2 LGR library (orange) shows a tighter distribution than the CRISPRa V2 legacy library (blue). C Skew ratio table comparing CRISPRi V2 and CRISPRa V2 LGR libraries to the legacy libraries. D Skew ratios of publicly available CRISPR libraries (Addgene catalog numbers available in Additional file 4) at the 90/10, 95/5, 98/2, 99/1, and 99.5/0.5 percentiles compared to the CRISPRi and CRISPRa LGR libraires

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