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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Cotton pedigree genome reveals restriction of cultivar-driven strategy in cotton breeding

Fig. 4

Genetic patterns of functional segments in CRI12 pedigree. a Conceptual illustration for segments of 4 categories. Parent#1-inhrited segments in CRI12 were inherited from Parent#1, presenting a structural variation in Parent#2. Parent#2-inherited segments in CRI12 were inherited from Parent#2, presenting a structural variation in Parent#1. CRI12-specific segments were those created by CRI12, presenting a structural variation in both Parent#1 and Parent#2. Biparent segments were those both present in CRI12’s 2 parents, only presenting a structural variation in progenies. b Relationship between Fusarium wilt resistance and functional segments of 4 categories in cultivars (Wang_2017 cohort, n = 208). X-axis represents for rank of disease index (from low to high; divided into quartiles) and Y-axis represents for segment number in cultivars from each quartile. Orange lines were CRI12-specific segments. Red lines were Parent#1-inherited segments. Blue lines were Parent#2-inherited segments, and turquoise lines were Biparent segments. The dots represent for the median values of segments in cultivars from each quartile. c Top 4 pieplots represent for favorable/deleterious ratio of 4 segment categories. The bottom boxplot was the hereditary stability evaluation of Fusarium wilt-resistant segments. X-axis represents 4 segment categories and y-axis represents the segment number retained in 18 progenies. Boxplot center, median; bounds of box, lower quartile (Q1) and upper quartile (Q3); minima, Q1 − 1.5 (Q1–Q3); maxima, Q1 + 1.5 (Q1–Q3). The dots represent for original values. d P value of t-tests for retained segments of 4 categories. e Distribution of fiber-quality-related segments in pedigree. The left parallel coordinate plots displayed segment number of 4 categories. SV axis represents for variations. Class axis represents for 4 segment categories which have been annotated in figure legends. Progenies axis represents for 18 progenies. Right heatmap were detailed presence of each functional segments in 18 progenies. X-axis represents for segments and y-axis represents for 18 progenies which are consistent with the progenies axis in left parallel coordinate plots. The top parallel coordinate-heatmap illustrates distribution of favorable fiber quality-related segments, while the bottom plot set illustrates deleterious fiber quality-related segments

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