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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: Haplotype-resolved assemblies and variant benchmark of a Chinese Quartet

Fig. 1

An overview of the Chinese Quartet assemblies. a Idiogram depicts the alignments between the GRCh38 (gray rectangles) and two Chinese Quartet haplotypes (blue rectangles for CQ-P and orange for CQ-M). The red rectangles represent the GRCh38 gaps filled by Chinese Quartet assemblies, while the gray rectangles refer to unresolved gaps. b, c Examples of gaps resolved by Chinese Quartet assemblies. The top and bottom channels represent the paternal and maternal haplotypes, respectively. The middle channel represents the GRCh38. The depths of HiFi reads on three genomes are shown with gray lines. The repeat regions and genes are labeled with purple and pink rectangles, and the gaps in GRCh38 are labeled with gray rectangles. d The bar plots show the percentage size of Chinese Quartet assembled chromosomes relative to CHM13-T2T (top) and GRCh38 chromosomes (bottom), without including Ns. The chromosome with more than 3% difference in length is labeled with a star

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