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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Dissecting the autism-associated 16p11.2 locus identifies multiple drivers in neuroanatomical phenotypes and unveils a male-specific role for the major vault protein

Fig. 4

Involvement of the major vault protein in male-specific neuroanatomical phenotypes. A, B Left: schematic representation of the 24 brain regions assessed at bregma + 0.98 mm and − 1.34 mm in male Mvp+/− (A) and male Mvp−/− (B) mice at P120. Colored regions indicate the presence of at least one significant parameter within the brain region at the 0.05 level. White indicates a p-value > 0.05, and gray shows not enough data to calculate a p-value. Right: histograms of percentage change relative to Mvp+/+ for each of the 42 parameters (see Additional file 2: Table S2). C, D Left: coronal sections of Cg (C) and somatosensory cortex S2 (D) from Mvp+/+ and Mvp−/− at P120. Right: cell count and average cell area measures within Cg and S2. E Left: schematic representation of the 22 brain regions quantified at lateral + 0.60 mm on the parasagittal section from Mvp+/+ and Mvp−/−. Colored regions indicate the presence of at least one significant parameter within the brain region at the 0.05 level. White indicates a p-value > 0.05, and gray shows not enough data to calculate a p-value. Right: histograms of percentage change relative to Mvp+/+ (set as 0) for each of the measured parameters (listed in Additional file 2: Table S6). F Left: schematic representation of a hippocampal neuron in culture and the different measures taken. Middle: neurons stained with MAP2 (red) and SMI312 (green). Right: graphs showing measures of soma area, growth cone area, and axonal length from hippocampal neurons derived from multiple male Mvp+/+ and Mvp−/− embryos. G Graphs showing measures of soma area, growth cone area, and axonal length from hippocampal neurons derived from multiple female Mvp+/+ and Mvp−/− embryos (n > 3 embryos per group, Additional file 5: Table S9). Plots are shown as mean ± SEM (except for A, B, and E). Two-tailed Student t test equal variance (C, D, F, and G). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001

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