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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: In-organoid single-cell CRISPR screening reveals determinants of hepatocyte differentiation and maturation

Fig. 2

CROP-seq screen in mICOs identifies novel modulators regulating hepatocyte differentiation and maturation. a Schematic illustration of the OSCAR analysis pipeline. b Overlap of the regulons in our OSCAR screen and those differentially activated in mouse fetal livers throughout development [8]. The circos map contains the following layers from outside to inside: the master transcription factor of the 150 overlap regulons, the relative activity score of the indicated regulon at embryo stage E11.0, E11.5, E13.0, E14.5, E16.0, and E17.5, respectively. c Representation of perturbation modules and regulon modules. Left heatmap: The effect size on each regulon feature (rows) after perturbation of each candidate gene (columns). Middle and Right heatmap: k-means clustering of Spearman’s correlation coefficient of regulons (middle, k = 5) and candidate genes (right, k = 4) computed from the effect size matrix. d Regulatory relationships between perturbation modules and regulon modules. The thickness of the line represents the − log10 of the P-value of hypergeometric tests. Only lines with the P-value less than 0.05 were retained. e Heatmap graph showing the perturbation effects of each candidate gene in module P2 and P4 in OSCAR screen on the activities of the top 20 variable regulons

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