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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: Phytochromes transmit photoperiod information via the evening complex in Brachypodium

Fig. 3

elf3-1 displays a constitutive LD transcriptome and phyC-4 resembles a SD grown plant. A Transcripts were clustered according photoperiod response. Multiple clusters show strong upregulation in response to LD (i.e., clusters 3, 5, and 7), while others are strongly downregulated. Man of the clusters that respond to LD are also upregulated in elf3-1 in SD. B Individual genes show strong photoperiod responsiveness which is dependent on ELF3. For example, clock genes such as GI, LUX, TOC1, and PRR7 are repressed at dusk in an ELF3 dependent fashion and more strongly repressed in SD than LD

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