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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: Coupling of co-transcriptional splicing and 3’ end Pol II pausing during termination in Arabidopsis

Fig. 3

Pol II pause at gene 3’ end correlates with the number of exons. a Pol II profile of gene examples with different exon numbers. b Metagene plots demonstrate Pol II profiles at gene groups with fixed exon numbers. Only the expressed protein-coding genes (TPM ≥ 1 based on the Ser2P Pol II pNET-seq data) are used for this analysis. c Box plots demonstrate the relationship between 3’PI and exon numbers. d Box plots demonstrate the relationship between gene length and exon numbers. All protein-coding genes in TAIR10 are used for this analysis. e Scatter plot demonstrates the correlation between 3’PI and gene length. The orange line indicated the trendline fitted based on the least squares method. f Box plots demonstrate the relationship between 3’PI and exon numbers in different gene groups with fixed gene length. For c to f, the Spearman correlation coefficient is indicated above the plot. R value and significance tests were performed by “stats.spearmanr” function from the “scipy” package in Python. For box plots, the line indicates the median, box edges represent the first and third quartiles, and the whiskers extend to the farthest data points within 1.5 × interquartile range outside box edges

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