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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Ariadne: synthetic long read deconvolution using assembly graphs

Fig. 5

Graphical description of the Ariadne deconvolution process. A Reads with the same 3\('\) UMI are in a read cloud. Blue and red reads originate from different fragments. The B de Bruijn assembly graph is generated by cloudSPAdes, and C a focal read is mapped to one of its edges. From a read’s 3\('\)-terminal vertex, D a Djikstra graph (indicated by a large black circle) is created from all edges and vertices within the maximum search distance from the 3\('\)-terminal vertex. These vertices and edges (within the black circle) comprise read i’s search-distance-limited connected subgraph within the whole assembly graph. Reads aligning to edges in this connected subgraph are added to read i’s connected set. E Reads originating from different fragments likely coincide with non-included vertices. F Connected read-sets with at least one intersection (i.e., one read in common) are output together as an enhanced read cloud

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