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Fig. 7 | Genome Biology

Fig. 7

From: Hierarchical Interleaved Bloom Filter: enabling ultrafast, approximate sequence queries

Fig. 7

DP algorithm traceback visualization. Matrices a, b, and c visualize the algorithm for a layout distributing \(b=7\) user bins (columns) to \(t=5\) technical bins (rows). a Shows the traceback of the initialization, all coming from the virtual starting point \((-1,-1)\). E.g., \(M_{4,0}\) represents the sub-layout of splitting \(\text {UB}_0\) into all available technical bins. b Shows which cells \(j' < j - 1 = 3\) are considered in the horizontal recursion. E.g., \(j' = 2\) would indicate to merge \(\text {UB}_3\) and \(\text {UB}_4\) into \(\text {TB}_3\). c Shows which cells \(i' < i = 3\) are considered in the vertical recursion. E.g., \(i' = 1\) would indicate to split \(\text {UB}_4\) into \(\text {TB}_2\) and \(\text {TB}_3\)

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