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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: A systematic dissection of the epigenomic heterogeneity of lung adenocarcinoma reveals two different subclasses with distinct prognosis and core regulatory networks

Fig. 2

Epigenetic heterogeneity differentiates LUAD patient clinical outcomes. a The hyper-variable peaks (HVPs) identified based on the global trend of means and variances. The dots are colored according to the significance of the variance test performed by MAnorm2. Variable peaks with p-value less to 0.01 were defined as tumor hyper-variable peaks. b Venn diagram showed overlap between tumor hyper-variable peaks (hyper-variable peaks identified in tumor samples), peaks upregulated in tumor samples compared to normal samples (previous identified tumor-specific peaks), and normal hyper-variable peaks (hyper-variable peaks identified in normal samples). c The first 5 significant principle components and their correlation with lymph node invasion, gender, and smoking history; asterisk represented significant association (p-value of ANOVA less to 0.05). d Unsupervised hierarchical clustering using PC1 from a PCA on hyper-variable peaks identifying two subgroups, group I and group II. The associations between clinical characteristics and subgroups showed in the bottom, the p-values of rank-sum test were indicated to show the significance of associations. e Survival analysis of the two subgroups: relapse-free survival, RFS (top) and over-all survival, OS (bottom), and p-value of log rank test showed in the plot

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