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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: CellWalker integrates single-cell and bulk data to resolve regulatory elements across cell types in complex tissues

Fig. 3

CellWalker identifies cell types in the developing brain. a Hierarchical clustering of label-to-label influence identifies cell types similar in scATAC-seq. b A portion of cells has two nearly equal labels. Some are very similar mature lineages present in different brain regions (group 1) while others correspond to progressions of neuronal development (groups 2 and 3). c The region surrounding the late GZ TAD containing the neurodevelopment transcription factor NEUROD1. Throughout this TAD, accessibility outside the gene body and promoter increases between early and late newborn excitatory neurons. Abbreviations of cell types: excitatory neurons (EN) derived from primary visual cortex (V1) or prefrontal cortex (PFC), newborn excitatory neurons (nEN), inhibitory cortical interneurons (IN-CTX) originating in the medial/caudal ganglionic eminence (MGE/CGE), newborn interneurons (nIN), intermediate progenitor cells (IPC), and truncated/ventral/outer radial glia (tRG/vRG/oRG)

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