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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Protection from DNA re-methylation by transcription factors in primordial germ cells and pre-implantation embryos can explain trans-generational epigenetic inheritance

Fig. 2

Global TF binding and CpG methylation patterns during male PGC and ESC differentiation are highly correlated. For all cases where ATAC-seq signal was used in this figure, only ATAC-seq fragments < 115 bp, which indicate TF binding, were used. a Heatmap at the indicated stages of gamete and embryonic development, centered at E14.5m PGC DNase-Hi sites ordered by hierarchical clustering. RS, round spermatids. PN3_P, PN5_P, Paternal PN3 and PN5 pronucleus, respectively. Data from ATAC-seq are labeled as such; all other data are from DNAse-seq. b Pie chart showing the proportion of E14.5m PGC DNase-Hi sites with high, intermediate, or low ATAC-seq signal in ESCs. c Average methylation of CpGs within E14.5m DNase-Hi and DNase-Lo regions, weighted by the number of BS-seq reads at each CpG. The numbers displayed correspond to the number of TF binding sequences at which CpG methylation was averaged. P values are by Fisher’s exact test. P value cutoffs (E14.5 DNase-Hi vs. E14.5 DNase-Lo) *P < 0.01; **P < 10−3; ***P < 10−5; ****P < 10−10. d Example displaying DNase-seq and BS-seq signal with peaks in the same region as in Fig. 1e. e Heatmap of RNA-seq signal at the indicated stages for the significantly enriched TFs at E14.5m PGC DNase-Hi sites from Fig. 1g

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