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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: Endogenous retroviral insertions drive non-canonical imprinting in extra-embryonic tissues

Fig. 6

Non-canonically imprinted ERVK LTRs lose maternal H3K27me3 and acquire secondary imprinted DMRs in post-implantation ExE. a Heatmap showing enrichment for H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 and DNA methylation on the maternal and paternal allele in B6/CAST and CAST/B6 ExE at non-canonically imprinted active ERVK LTRs ± 500 bp (N = 8). DNA methylation of the maternal and paternal allele is shown in B6/CAST and CAST/B6 E7.5 ExE. b Boxplots show DNA methylation at non-canonically imprinted active ERVK LTRs ± 500 bp (N = 8) in germ cells and pre- and post-implantation stage C57BL/6 embryos. c Boxplots show gene expression for non-canonically imprinted active ERVK LTRs ± 500 bp (N = 8) in pre- and post-implantation embryonic stage C57BL6 embryos. d Heatmap showing enrichment for H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 on the maternal and paternal allele across pre-implantation development (e2-cell, early 2-cell embryo; l2-cell, late 2-cell embryo; 8-cell, 8-cell embryo; ICM, inner cell mass) in B6/PWK embryos at non-canonically imprinted active ERVK LTRs ± 500 bp (N = 8)

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