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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Trapping a somatic endogenous retrovirus into a germline piRNA cluster immunizes the germline against further invasion

Fig. 5

Production of Phidippo- and Pifo-derived piRNAs is lost in RevI-H2. a Histogram for the percentage of 5′-overlaps between sense and antisense Adoxo-, Gedeo-, Idefix-, Phidippo-, Pifo-, and Vatovio-derived piRNAs (23–29 nt) in wIR6 ovaries. The peak in red defines the 10-nt-overlapping pairs, and the Z-score is indicated. b, c Density profile of Phidippo- (b) and Pifo- (c) derived piRNAs along the 7.3 kb Philippo sequence and 7.7 kb Pifo sequence, respectively, in wIR6 (left) and RevI-H2 (right) ovaries (using all piRNAs mapped to the corresponding TE allowing up to 3 mismatches). Sense and antisense reads are represented in black and grey, respectively. The organization of the two TEs is displayed above their respective profile

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