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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: ChromTime: modeling spatio-temporal dynamics of chromatin marks

Fig. 6

Spatial dynamics of multiple different chromatin marks co-localize within a time course. Hierarchical clustering with optimal leaf ordering [80] of the geometric average fold enrichments taken across all time points of the overlap of every pair of predicted spatial dynamics for mapped HMs in a mouse adipogenesis [18] and b human stem cell reprogramming [24]. At each pair of time points, “Expand” and “Contract” dynamics are defined as all peaks that are predicted as either unidirectional or bidirectional expansions and contractions, respectively, whereas “Steady” dynamics are defined as all peaks that have predicted steady boundaries at both sides. Peaks with “Expand” dynamic on one side and “Contract” dynamic on the other were excluded from this analysis. In both datasets, expansions, contractions, and steady peaks of H3K4me2, H3K4me3, and H3K27ac and, to a lesser extent, of H3K4me1 tend to cluster together within each of the three classes, whereas spatial dynamics of H3K27me3 and H3K36me3 peaks tend to occupy different locations. All enrichments were capped at 50 before clustering

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