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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Single-cell RNA-seq analysis unveils a prevalent epithelial/mesenchymal hybrid state during mouse organogenesis

Fig. 5

Expression pattern of representative EMT-related TFs and expression pattern of representative markers in late-stage or adult organs and two carcinoma datasets. a Heatmaps showing the representative EMT-related TFs in epithelial and mesenchymal cells. The color key from blue to red indicates low to high gene expression or TF activity, respectively. b Heatmaps showing the representative markers in adult intestine, adult liver, and E18 lung [15, 30, 31]. c Scatterplots showing the expression of representative markers in two carcinoma datasets [32, 33]. Cells sampled from different sources are represented by colors at the first plot of each dataset. For all plots, the x-axis measures the expression value of EPCAM, and the y-axis measures the expression value of VIM. Cells whose expression values of both EPCAM and VIM exceed 2 are shadowed in blue, indicating the potential E/M hybrid state. The expression values of representative markers are indicated by colors. The color key from gray to red indicates low to high gene expression, respectively

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