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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: A comprehensive survey of the mutagenic impact of common cancer cytotoxics

Fig. 3

SNV mutation spacing, dinucleotide mutations and proposed mechanisms of mono- and dinucleotide mutations. a The distance of each SNV mutation from the previous SNV on the same chromosome is plotted against the genomic position of the mutation. Thin dashed lines indicate chromosome boundaries. Chromosomes are shown in numerical order; chromosome Z is shown last on the right. The colour of each dot illustrates the type of mutation according to the key at the bottom of the panel. Mutations with an intermutation distance of one are part of dinucleotide mutations. One sequenced clone of each is shown. b Sequence analysis of the 183 dinucleotide mutations detected following cisplatin treatment. The change in the 5’ base is shown in the rows, while the 3’ base in the columns. The equivalent mutations on the two strands are added together, e.g. GG > TT is shown as CC > AA. The most common mutation types are grouped together below the table and their sequences are indicated using the purine-rich strand to aid interpretation. c Schematic models for the replicative process that may generate each of the most common classes of cisplatin-induced mononucleotide (c) and dinucleotide (d) mutations. Putative intrastrand crosslinks are marked, the uncertain lesion at mutated GA sequences is indicated with a question mark. Non-canonical base pairing is shown with a zig-zag symbol. The contribution of each mutation class to the total number of observed SNVs is shown

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