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Figure 7 | Genome Biology

Figure 7

From: MUSiCC: a marker genes based framework for metagenomic normalization and accurate profiling of gene abundances in the microbiome

Figure 7

The impact of MUSiCC on the discovery of disease-associated pathways. Pathways identified to be associated with (A) T2D, or with (B) IBD, when using standard compositional normalization (cyan) or MUSiCC (maroon). Bars denote the significance level of the association. The dots to the right of each bar indicate whether this association reached significance with FDR <0.05 with compositional normalization (cyan) or MUSiCC (maroon). (C, D) Trend plots demonstrating the significance level of the association of the glycolysis pathway with T2D (C) and of the Riboflavin metabolism pathway with IBD (D), as a function of the fraction of the samples used. Mean and standard errors using compositional normalization or MUSiCC are illustrated.

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