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Table 4 Results of 10-fold cross-validation on classifiers trained on the pooled submissions

From: Overview of BioCreative II gene normalization





Best macro averaged submission from each group

   Naïve Bayes

0.92 (0.046)

0.75 (0.036)

0.83 (0.028)

   Support vector machines

0.88 (0.049)

0.96 (0.026)

0.92 (0.031)

Best macro averaged from top 5 ranked groups

   Naïve Bayes

0.91 (0.062)

0.75 (0.062)

0.82 (0.060)

   Support vector machines

0.82 (0.054)

0.91 (0.041)

0.86 (0.040)