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Figure 9 | Genome Biology

Figure 9

From: Gene expression regulation in the context of mouse interspecific mosaic genomes

Figure 9

Triangles of correlations between the three groups of animals analyzed in the study. The analysis was carried out on the genes that were located in the M. spretus segments of the IRCSs, considered as a whole (n = 1,467). Four categories appear: genes that are consistently regulated in the parents and the IRCSs (class 0); genes that are differentially regulated between the two parents but regulated like B6 in the IRCSs (class 1); genes that are differentially regulated between the two parents but regulated in a SEG-like fashion in the IRCSs (class 3) - in this case the dysregulation between B6 and SEG on the one hand and B6 and the IRCSs on the other hand is associated with a strong correlation between gene expression in SEG and the IRCSs, meaning that the deregulation compared to B6 is not random and cis-driven; and genes that are similarly regulated between the parents but dysregulated (generally turned off) in the IRCSs (class 2).

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