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Table 1 Relative to study variables, within-genus taxa accumulation trends capture bulk of the systematic variation in 16S surveys’ genus-specific taxa accumulations. For each 16S survey mentioned in column 1, the year of publication is listed in column 2, the partial 16S segment targeted, machine technology and sequence clustering approach used are specified in column 3. FST.x refers to sequence clustering at an a priori fixed sequence similarity threshold of x%. McFadden's pseudo-R2 for explaining genus-specific taxa accumulations with two negative binomial regressions (NB) are listed in columns 4 and 5. The fourth column is obtained when the NB regression includes within-genus taxa accumulation trend (\(\hat{f_R}\left(\right)\), Methods) alone as predictor. The fifth column additionally includes the genus identifier, total sample depth, and experimental design matrix for each dataset as predictors (methods). Corresponding Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) are listed in columns 6 and 7

From: Differential richness inference for 16S rRNA marker gene surveys