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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: Stable centromere positioning in diverse sequence contexts of complex and satellite centromeres of maize and wild relatives

Fig. 3

Analysis of genomic and centromere-associated CentC. a–c Number of complex centromeres as a function of abundance of CentC, knob180, and CRM2 elements in the genome. Complex centromeres are indicated by peaks of CENH3 enrichment of >500 Kb in length in Fig. 2. Two peaks on a chromosome (potentially explained by heterozygosity) count for only one complex centromere. Full sample names are as follows: 1) Z. mays mays, B73; 2) Z. mays mays, PI 628470; 3). Z. mays parviglumis, Ames 21889; 4) Z. mays parviglumis, Ames 21826; 5) Z. mays mexicana, Ames 8083; 6) Z. mays mexicana, PI 566674; 7) Z. mays mexicana, PI 566677; 8) Z. mays huehuetenangensis, PI 441934; 9) Z. mays huehuetenangensis, PI 441934; 10) Z. diploperennis PI 462368; 11) Z. luxurians PI 422162; 12) T. dactyloides, PI 421612. d Identity with Zea consensus sequence in genomic CentC copies, as sampled in input reads. e Identity with Zea consensus sequence in centromeric CentC copies, as sampled in ChIP reads. f Identity with Zea consensus sequence in genomic knob180 copies, as sampled in input reads

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