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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Age-related accrual of methylomic variability is linked to fundamental ageing mechanisms

Fig. 4

Identification and characterization of aVMPs associated with gene expression in trans. a Correlation between DNA methylation of 1816 aVMPs (columns) and gene expression of 854 genes (rows). b TPRG1 is associated with 1296 aVMPs and cg13246235 with the expression of 853 genes. Blue lines represent the associations between the gene expression of TPRG1 and the DNA methylation of 1296 aVMPs. Red lines represent the associations between the DNA methylation of cg13246235 and the expression of 853 genes. c Z-score of individuals (columns) versus young individuals (<30 years) of trans-aVMPs (rows). The bar on the bottom left represents the average DNA methylation (DNAm) at a young age (<30 years). The bar on the top represents the age from low age (white) to high age (green). d Fraction and enrichment of gain- and loss-aVMPs in genomic features. CGI CpG island. Blue, fraction of loss-aVMPs; purple, fraction of gain-aVMPs. e Enrichment (odds ratio, y-axis) of gain- and loss-aVMPs in chromatin state segments (x-axis). f Average DNA methylation of aVMPs in various cancer types compared with their normal tissue counterpart. Abbreviations: TssA Active transcription start site, TssAFlnk flanking active transcription start site, TxFlnk transcription at gene 5' and 3', Tx strong transcription, TxWk weak transcription, EnhG genic enhancers, Enh enhancers, ZNF/Rpts ZNF genes plus repeats, Het heterochromatin, TssBiv bivalent/poised transcription start site, BivFlnk flanking bivalent transcription start site/enhancer, EnhBiv bivalent enhancer, ReprPC repressed polycomb, ReprPCWk weak repressed polycomb, Quies quiescent/low

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