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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: Mitochondrial heteroplasmy in vertebrates using ChIP-sequencing data

Fig. 3

Heteroplasmies in 16 species. Detected heteroplasmy in H. sapiens (human), M. mulatta (macaque), C. sabaeus (vervet), C. jacchus (marmoset), O. garnettii (bushbaby), M. musculus (mouse), R. norvegicus (rat), H. glaber (naked mole-rat), O. cuniculus (rabbit), B. taurus (cattle), D. delphis (dolphin), S. scrofa (pig), C. familiaris (dog), M. putorius furo (ferret), S. harrisii (Tasmanian devil), and G. gallus (chicken) displayed in red on the mtDNA multiple alignment with the associated evolutionary tree. The human gene annotation displayed at the top of the figure shows RNA and protein-coding genes as well as non-coding regions

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