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Figure 6 | Genome Biology

Figure 6

From: Analyzing the soybean transcriptome during autoregulation of mycorrhization identifies the transcription factors GmNF-YA1a/b as positive regulators of arbuscular mycorrhization

Figure 6

Transcript accumulation pattern of GmNF-YA1 in wild-type and nark mutant plants. (a, b) Relative transcript levels of GmNF-YA1 in shoots and root-parts of soybean plants 19 days (a) and 40 days (b) after partial inoculation with R. irregularis (for details see Figure 1 and legend of Figure 4). Transcript accumulation was determined by RT-qPCR and set in relation to GmSUBI-1. Data are presented as means + SD with n = 12-18 and n = 9-15 for wild-type and nark mutants, respectively, coming from three independent experiments. Different letters indicate significantly different values (P ≤0.05, multiple Student's t-tests with Bonferroni correction). (c) Relative transcript levels of GmNF-YA1 in different tissues of non-inoculated 7-week-old wild-type, nts382, and nts1007 plants measured by RT-qPCR. Data are mean values + SD with n ≥10 and n ≥6 for wild-type and nark mutants, respectively, coming from two independent experiments. (d, e) Gene-specific transcript levels of GmNF-YA1a (d) and GmNF-YA1b (e) relative to GmSUBI-1 19 days after partial inoculation. RT-qPCR analyses were performed with gene-specific primers listed in Table S4 in the Additional file 1. Data are mean values + SD. Shoots: n ≥3 of one experiment; root-parts: n ≥9 of three independent experiments. Different letters indicate significantly different values (P ≤0.05, multiple Student's t-tests with Bonferroni correction).

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